Fender Mark Hoppus Signature Percision Bass Reviews 5

I went to a local music store in Athens, GA: Musician's Wharehouse(The people are really nice) I've had it for about 2 hours. It cost me about $525(early Christmas present though.)

The sound of this instrument is awesome. Much better than the Jazz Frettless Standard Bass(to me). I like all the colors, though I have Daphne Blue. It's really easy to get the frets. It's perfect for all (DUH!!!) Blink-182 songs. The pick guard is sparkley which is OK, not the greatest.

Well, I usually have something to complain about to every bass, but this bass is awesome. I see nothing wrond with it.

Well, imagine a Fender Percision bass with "P-Bass syle Seymour Duncan Basslines SPB-3 Quarter Pound Precision Bass Pickups"(Musician's Friend, thanx for the pick-up description.) It's got three great colors: pink, surf green, and daphne blue. Made in Mexico. The people there say it will last a while so I guess it will, and it's a Fender.

An awesome bass. If you're on a budget, go to a big store (local or chain) and they usually sell it under the catalog price ($489, even though I payed more I still feel like I got a deal.) For a good three word advisory statment of this bass: "Buy this Bass!!!!!"

DrPooPeePants rated this unit 5 on 2002-11-29.

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